A child of the ’80s, I’ve always had a deep love for monsters, creatures, bugs, dinosaurs, and nature!
I love to explore and collect inspiration from the woods and wild places.
Forever an Artist, I use my talents for drawing, painting, makeup, writing, and filmmaking.
I call myself self-taught, and I am always trying to learn and grow and get better at these crafts.
A major milestone in my creative life was when I discovered painting. My beginnings were purchasing one of those starter kits, that comes with 10 or 11 little tubes of acrylic paint, a couple brushes, a pallet knife, and maybe two or three sheets of canvas paper. I saw great potential in this, where before I felt intimidated by painting. Thus began my passion for this medium! Mixing and molding the paint to bring my Creations to life is so magical and fulfilling for me.
Later, I started to incorporate painting with my pen and ink drawings, which totally brings them to the next level!
I love landscapes, horror and fantasy. I have a cornucopia of original places, monsters, and creatures to see, and I also make fan art (mostly of beloved 80s monsters)..
I offer greeting cards, prints, and coloring books featuring my artwork.
Create. Every. Day.