Marc Macrina is an artist and writer specializing in horror, sci-fi, comic book superhero and similar genres, His creator-owned comic series Werewolf with a Chainsaw published by Rubber Chicken Comics, had its issue number one debut in 2021. previously he has had work featured in anthology comics, sketchbooks and various art shows and showcases, Marc […]
Marc Macrina is an artist and writer specializing in horror, sci-fi, comic book superhero and similar genres, His creator owned comic series Werewolf with a Chainsaw published by Rubber Chicken Comics, had its issue number one debut in 2021. previously he has had work featured in anthology comics, sketchbooks and various art shows and showcases, […]
Marc Macrina is an artist and writer specializing in horror, sci-fi, comic book superhero and similar genres, His creator owned comic series Werewolf with a Chainsaw published by Rubber Chicken Comics, had its issue number one debut in 2021. previously he has had work featured in anthology comics, sketchbooks and various art shows and showcases, […]